PartyCAD Joins Point of Rental Family

Point of Rental has acquired PartyCAD software.

In the early 1980s, while Point of Rental’s founders were developing our first software, Hank Hufnagel was creating a software program for interior designers as a hobby. Hank’s software took off, and by 1986, he was able to leave his daytime job to start Hufnagel Software, selling ROOMER software to interior designers. In 1996, he […]

Why Use Rental Software on the Construction Site?

CEO Wayne Harris appeared on ConExpo-Con/Agg Radio recently to talk construction.

Point of Rental CEO Wayne Harris talked with Peggy Smedley of ConExpo-Con/AGG radio about rental software’s impact on the construction industry on May 2. The full interview can be found on their website, but here are some highlights (and some answers that didn’t make it into the interview): On construction industry happenings and Point of […]

Meet Point-of-Rental Software’s New President

The recent announcement of Wayne Harris as Point-of-Rental™ Systems’ new president and CEO came as a surprise to some, but those who know the story behind the man agree that this move is a natural progression for the company. Bob Shaffer, Steve Husbands, and Wayne Harris shared ownership of Point-of-Rental™ Systems’ parent company, Overland Rentals, […]